Monday, 1 April 2013

Role of I.T. In Advancement of Education

Shiv Shanker Shukla & Rakesh Chaturvedi

Introduction- The future of India will be fashioned in the classroom. While India has made great strides in improving the education system but much still remains to be done. If you see the current scenario then you will find that there is a flood of advanced technology all over the globe but our education system is not benefiting due to the lack of information and knowledge of teachers, students and the administration. The students have their own restrictions, teachers have there own and the administration is also admitting the fact that the education system is really in a poor shape today.
The goal of this paper is to outline how information technology can help to create an education system that is based on the principles of helping teachers, students and administration to be effective in what they do, improving the quality and relevance of teaching learning process.
If we see the present scenario of school then we are sorry to say that not much has changed since the 90ies. We still are using black board; we are still using the contents of text books which are too old to needs updating. Teachers are referring to the same text books which are the only source of information and knowledge available to most of the students as well as teachers. So we see that almost nothing has changed ever since.
So when a computer technology can change and when a mobile technology can change why can not the educational technology?
From the convincing point of view let us share some benefits of using information technology in education:1
a) It induces scientific, economic, technological, information and multicultural literacy and global awareness.
b) It promotes inventive thinking.
c) It develops effective communication which leads to teaming, collaboration and interpersonal skills. Moreover, it induces personal, social and civic responsibility.
d) It leads to high productivity which given the ability to plan and manage results. It also gives you a sense of using real-world tools with effective, relevant, and high quality results.
Now suppose a decision is taken to use technology in the field of education shifting the focus from traditional teaching to educational technology then a question still needs to be answered? How and where do we fit in?
 For this to answer, we need to explore the various ways of clubbing and implementing information technology in education.
a. To examine the education scenario in the present context.
b. To explore various possibilities of implementing technology in education for the betterment of the students, teachers and in turn the society.
II. The Two Communication Channels–
The teacher and student play an important role in education where teacher acts as a facility center of information and knowledge and student acts as a learner of information and knowledge. The teacher after gathering information from specified sources like text books, personal notes, library etc communicates it to the students. That means communication plays a vital role in the delivery of information and knowledge from teacher to student. Now, if the teacher’s as well as student’s scope of gathering information and knowledge is limited how can you expect magic and wonders from teachers as well as students?
So far we have explored those aspects of the problems faced equally by the teacher and student. Now let us explore those aspects of problems which the teacher, students and administration face as an individual2.
A. The student’s perspective (with technology less education)
The students are facing the following problems in a technology less educational environment:-
a) They are missing information.
b) They do not know exactly what to learn.
c) They go to classes that were cancelled without any notification.
All of this decreases the motivation level of the students.
B. The teacher’s perspective (with technologyless education)
The teachers are facing the following problems in a technology less educational environment:-
a) They do not know what students are doing.
b) They have difficult with spreading information.
c) They are hard to reach for students.
d) A majority of teachers themselves are either not updated or under-qualified and due to lack of information & knowledge they do not benefit from new advances and continue to teach outdated material.
e) They have often complains of high work load.
C. The administrative perspective (with technology less education)
The school administration is facing the following problems in a technology less educational environment:
a) Significant absenteeism of teachers in schools.
b) There do not appear to be mechanisms in place to ensure that the curriculum keeps pace with developments in the fields being taught.
c) There do not appear to be any established principle on the timely revision of textbooks.
These above problems were identified when they have no idea of technology and its use in the field of education.
III. Benefits of Information Technology in Education-
Now, in order to convenience the teacher, student and management to use information technology in education we need to share the following benefits3:
a. It induces scientific, economic, technological, information and multicultural literacy and global awareness.
b. It promotes inventive thinking which induces the following:
   a) Adaptability & managing complexity.
         b) Curiosity, creativity and risk taking.
      c) High-order thinking and sound reasoning.
   a) It develops effective communication which leads to teaming, collaboration and interpersonal skills. Moreover, it induces personal, social and civic responsibility.
   b) It leads to high productivity which given the ability to plan and manage results. It also gives you a sense of using real-world tools with effective, relevant, and high quality results.
IV. Education without Technology versus Education with Technology-
To measure the benefits of using information technology we are dividing education into two categories4:-
If we impart education without technology then these are the outcomes:-
a. It is Passive.
b. It is formal.
c. It is instructor driven.
d. It is time dependent.
e. Content defined by others.
f. Grade is given only after final evaluation.
g. Not all the students fully participate.
Now, if we impart education with technology then these are the outcomes:-
a. It is Active.
b. It is informal.
c. It is student driven.
d. It is not time dependent.
e. Content defined by students.
f. Individual contribution is measured.
g. Progress is accessed throughout.
h. All students fully participate.
Ways of implementing information technology in education-
We can find the following ways of implementing Information Technology in education5:
a. Becoming a volunteer in promoting Information Technology in the field of Education by using blogs, forums, etc.
b. Adapting to e-learning techniques.
Becoming a volunteer in promoting information technology in education
Now looking at this slide we can see how a volunteer can help himself and the society in promoting information technology in education. Presently, we see the old face of the volunteer i.e., as a consumer mugging up outdated text books. And the new face looks very promising in which the volunteer plays the role of a:
a. Creator  b. Contributor  c. Communicator  d. collaborator  e. coordinator
a) Changing Teacher, Student and Administrative Perspective (with technology in education)
When students have access to up-to-the-minute, current information, and when that information is shared with their peers and faculty, the learning experience changes dramatically. Teachers, who used to be the subject matter experts and the deliverers of all content, will transfer more of the learning process and responsibility to students. Students then become responsible for understanding where to access information and how to collaborate in a Web-based environment. Students must ask themselves: How do I learn? How can I use information and technology to gain information? Such an experience prepares an individual to be a life-long learner, which is critical for success in the workforce of tomorrow. So the whole learning paradigm changes. On top of that, technology enables students to express themselves differently than they ever have before. Students are no longer limited to using a piece of paper and a pencil or pen, but instead have a unique online environment in which they can express what information they have been able to gather, internalize that data, and then integrate it into their assignments.
b) Information Technology Tools &A volunteer can find the following tools useful in promoting information technology in the field of education: Blogs, Forums, Communities, Webcast, PodCast, User Groups, Picassa (Google) and Flickr (Yahoo),, Webopidia, Wikis, Webconferencing, VideoConferencing, Chat, E-mail, Instant Messaging, Bulletin Board, VOIP, Data Conferencing, Shout Box, Image Board, YouTube, SlideShare
A. Adapting to e-Learning Techniques- We have seen the volunteer part of implementing information technology in the field of education. Now see the administrative part of implementing information technology in the field of education i.e., adapting to e-learning techniques6.
A new model should be developed or an existing model could be used which contains the following features:
a) A model for designing relevant curriculum- A system that encourages the mass participation of experts, teachers, and students in shaping and updating curriculum in a timely manner.
b) A model for authoring training material and teaching aids
A system that:
a. allows teachers and students to comment and discuss sections of text books.
b. Link supplementary material for further study.
c. share lectures, assignments, exercises, tests and so on.
d. allows development of training material for helping teachers and    administrators update and enhance their skills.
c) A model for providing access to teaching aids
a. A system where every teacher is able to access and use teaching aids developed anywhere, and by anyone.
Instructors still need to direct student learning activities, but they must also put responsibility for learning on the students. It is going to be an uncomfortable, but worthwhile transition. The measure of success should not simply be test scores, but instead, increased attendance, attention and participation.
Once teachers see their students engaged and excited about learning and producing thoughtful work, they will find it easier to make the transition from actor to director.
In order to educate students to be life-long learners and successful contributors to the new global market, educators must change the way they teach and the way students learn. We need to remember that if we want to help students achieve a high level of competency and competitiveness, we have no choice but to make technology an integrated tool in the field of education.
1. Aiyer, S.S. Management of Education: Efficiency of computer based training, proceedings
    of seminar on International Training and Development Conference, New Delhi, 1987.
2. IT Action Plan, July 4, 1998, by National Task Force on IT and Software Development, Government of India
3. Khurana, R. Emerging Trends in Educational and Training Methodologies,including Satellite Based Techniques, Interactive Techniques, Technical Support for Learning, Seminar cum-workshop on Systems Approach to Training and  Modern Instructional Technique Military College of Telecommunications Engineering, Mhow (M.P.), September 23, 1997.
4. Leider, Dorothy E. The use of IT to Enhance Management School Education: A Theoretical View. MIS Quarterly, September, 1995.
5. Prashant, Praveen, Technology and Management Education Delivery, best student paper competition of Association of Indian Management Schools, 1997.
6. Rawlings, B. New Technology- New Problems: The knowledge Gap between  Management and Computing, The new Management Challenges, 1988.
Website, News Papers & Periodicals.
2. Kozma, ICT, Education Reform, and Economic Growth.
5. Times of India
6. The Hindu
7. Economic Survey of India.

Shiv Shanker Shukla* & Rakesh Chaturvedi**
*Research Scholar,
Department of Commerce & Business Administration,
 University of Allahabad, U.P.
**Research Scholar, Avadh Pratap Singh University,

Rewa, M.P.